Kick-off Meeting: ERA NET / CETP Collaboration Network for Interoperability Testing
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 You are invited to join the Kick-off Meeting of the European Collaboration Network for Interoperability Testing. This initiative is designed to drive progress in interoperability in the European energy sector and contribute to the implementation of SET-Plan Action 4 Innovation Activity “A4-IA0-5 Process chain for interoperability of ICT systems”.

The Collaboration Network is a working group within the ERA-Net / CETP Knowledge Community, which offers a structured and interactive workshop-based process, fostering knowledge sharing and co-production of fresh insights regarding interoperability within ERA-Net/CETP projects. The working group extends consistent support to ERA-Net/CETP projects, providing access to new tools, expertise, and testing experiences to foster enhanced interoperability. We will organise Interoperability Test Events, which play a crucial role in facilitating real-world testing and validation of interoperability, driving progress and collaboration in the energy sector.

Participate at this event and learn how your project can profit from this collaboration Network! Project partners can participate in the Collaboration Network as activity of the Knowledge Community of the partnerships.

For more information please refer to the website ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems: (

To learn more about the process chain for Interoperability please watch the video.

We look forward to your participation in this transformative journey towards enhanced interoperability in the energy sector!

Angela Berger,
Lead, Collaboration Network for Interoperability Testing

Please, click here to register

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Welcome and intro
State of play regarding interoperability in the European energy sector
About our offer for the Projects: Testing and collaboration